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The best international divorce lawyers (국제이혼, 다문화이혼)

페이지 정보

최고관리자 작성일20-06-24






Difficult marriage life in Korea

If you had came to Korea for marriage dreaming happy marriage life but what you met was difficulty in Korea.. Even If you tried to improve the relationship with your husband or wife and mother in law but it didn't get better and your spouse didn't try to improve the relationship with you at all, DO NOT worry.
We are on your side.



If you decide to get divorce

You STILL have a chance to have better life. 
We respect your decision. You are worth it!
Just always respect yourself and believe your choice is right.


LAWFIRM Myungga for international divorce respects you and your choice. We are all ears and take legal actions for you.

We will do our best to find the legal solution of the difficult situation such as division of property,  alimony, child custody, F6 VISA problem.

In LAWFIRM Myungga, you can finish the marriage successfully.

LAWFIRM Myungga consists of best international divorce lawyers who has fluent experience of divorce law-suit. LAWFIRM Myungga Representative laywer Seo is the divorce law specialist of Korean Bar Association which is the Korean Lawyer association and pther laywers are also have various divorce law-suit experience. 


You can click the below winning lawsuit case of us.​ 
We have more international divorce cases that we won.

Don't worry about the difficulty of communication here.
If you are difficult to procedure international divorce, pls come to us. We will provide you interpretation service in your mother tongue languages like English, Chinese, Vietnamese,Thai.

Our office phone number is 062-227-7223 and our website address is 



#divorce #離婚 # ly hôn #разво́д. #taloq #การหย่า 

#laywer #辯護士 #luật sư #адвокат #advokat  #ทนายความ